Bug in SC3: 13.0.0 CohortProfile

The variable tx80234 in CohortProfile (Main field: Grade) was not filled correctly for waves 12 and 13.
Until an update of the data is available, data users can generate the required information themselves from the variable te00014 in pTarget using the following Stata syntax:

use "SC3_CohortProfile_[ORD]_13-0-0.dta", clear
gen tx20100 = 1
merge 1:1 ID_t wave tx20100 using "SC3_pTarget_[ORD]_13-0-0.dta",  \\\
  keepusing(te00014) keep(master match)
recode te00014 (1=9) (2=10)(3=11)(4=12)(5=13)(else = .)
replace tx80234 = te00014 if inlist(wave,12,13) & !missing(te00014)
drop te00014 tx20100