Finding Inventory of NEPS Questions

Good morning everyone,

at the moment I am working with SC3 dataset, specifically with subject-related interest variables. This is my first experience with panel data and NEPS and I have a question on how to get information on what inventory or scale that used in the NEPS questionnaires? E.g. t66208a

Thanks in advance for any hints!

Good morning Fauziah,

if there is any kind of documentation, you can find it in our NEPSplorer (there will be an upgrade soon):Übersichten-und-Hilfen/NEPSplorer#/search/q=t66208a&sc=3&y=2011. Currently you can find the following source for the variable t66208a there: BibTeX-Key:baumert2003bildungsverlufe. This will take you to this page and on the page to this document On page 45 in this document you will find further information on the variable t66208a, which runs under the name DI06 in the document. Among other things, there is a note here that this item was developed based on the KRAPP 1986, 1992 interest construct. You can find more detailed information on the two KRAPP papers (from 1986 and 1992) in the bibliography of this document. This will take you here (Paper 1992) and here (Paper 1986).
