Hi all! I was wondering if there is a variable linked by pid which provides data on the Bundesland and/or district of residence for individuals. I am particularly interested in individuals from the IAB-BAMF-SOEP refugee sample. I have been working with „bula“ from regionl, however this variable only links to household id (cid), not personal identifiers, as far as I can tell.
I am sure I have probably missed something, but would greatly appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction! Thanks!
Hi Eirik,
I’m sorry for the late reply, I’ve been on vacation and just returned today.
You are correct with looking at the „bula“ variable in the „regionl“ dataset.
And it’s also correct that the regional information is about the household.
However, if you want to work on individual level, I strongly recommend to use the „ppathl“ dataset as the foundation of your analysis. https://paneldata.org/soep-core/datasets/ppathl/