NEPS SC2: KlassenlehrerInnen von Schülern Klasse 1, Welle 3 / Teacher: Orientation

Dear NEPS Community:

In the teacher questionnaire of the SC2 -wave 3, there are several questions on teacher orientation:
a) It is better when the teacher - and not the students - decides what needs to be done. e22680a Scheme ( 4 )
b) My role as a teacher is to make it easier for the students to investigate and explore things. e22680b Scheme ( 4 )
c) Students will learn best when they try to find solutions to problems independently. e22680c Scheme ( 4 )
d) Classes should be based on problems with clear-cut and correct answers as well as on concepts that are quickly understood by the students. e22680d Scheme ( 4 )
e) The question of how much students will learn depends on their background knowledge - therefore the teaching of facts is vital. e22680e Scheme ( 4 )
f) Students should be given the possibility to reflect on solutions themselves before the teacher shows the approach to the solution. e22680f Scheme ( 4 )
g) Quietness in the classroom is absolutely necessary for effective learning. e22680g Scheme ( 4 )
h) Thinking and reasoning processes are more important than specific content of the syllabus. e22680h Scheme ( 4 )

I am wondering if these questions are connected to a specific pedagogical/educational concept or instrument? I have not found any information on the NEPSplorer.

Does anybody know if these questions have been used to build any specific index on teacher constructivist orientation/beliefs?

Thanks for your help!

Dear Daniela,
the items you mention measure teachers’ beliefs. They tackle the general direct transmission (e22680a e22680d e22680e e22680g) and constructivist (e22680b e22680c e22680f e22680h) beliefs about teaching and learning (Überzeugungen der direkten Instruktion und konstruktivistische Überzeugungen).
The items are taken from the TALIS-2008-study (; p. 267f) but similar items have been used in other studies as well (e.g. IQB Ländervergleich 2011).
A summary of TALIS-results inclduing the scale can be found here:
Demmer, M., von Saldern, M. (Hrsg.). (2010). „Helden des Alltags“ Erste Ergebnisse der Schulleitungs- und Lehrkräftebefragung (TALIS) in Deutschland. Münster: Waxmann.
Various research publications have used this scale or similar items; one of the earlier works including some theoretical thoughts is the following:
Peterson, P. L., Fennema, E., Carpenter, T. P., & Loef, M. (1989). Teacher’s pedagogical content beliefs in mathematics. Cognition and Instruction, 6(1), 1-40.
I really hope this helps.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Dear Lena,
Thank you very much!!