Hi, this is my first time posting here so I would appreciate if you could let me know if I did something wrong (tags, title, etc.). My question is, what is the difference between spcourses and spvoctrain educational activities? At first I thought voctrain education was formal and courses informal but I am not sure because I thought the informal activities were just the ones in spfurtheredu1. Thanks in advance
Dear @Enrsanj ,
the distinction between the three mentioned files is as follows:
In spVocTrain you can find all vocational training episodes (mainly from the German dual training system) but also, for example, episodes when a person has studied at a technical college or university. In summary, everything that more or less leads to a professional qualification.
spCourses, on the other hand, contains further training courses that are reported in the context of an employment or unemployment episode or a gap episode and still have something to do with professional training in the broadest sense.
SpFurtherEdu contains other private courses such as yoga or cooking classes.
All the best,