SC5 Competence measure

Dear all,

I am using the NEPS data to analyze wage expectations of female and male students (SC5). Here, my number of observations is significantly reduced (from 6,209 to 2,739) when I include reading and mathematical competence measures (wave 1) in my analysis. This problem is also not solved when using other competence measures like cognitive basic skills (wave 5).

Do you have any advise how I can capture differences in ability between males and females, without loosing many observations of their wage expectations (and other variables) due to missings in the ability measures?

Can maybe one of the NEPS weights help me to control for underlying differences?

Thank you in advance,

Hey Lillie!

could post your syntax here? That would make things easier to find a proper solution.

Kind regards

Hey Dietmar,
sorry for my late response, but I am not sure, what syntax I can post here to help answering the question as my data analysis includes many steps.

These were my first steps to make use of the ability measures:

Does this help?

To put it differently, it boils down to the question why we observe the mas1_sc1 and res1_sc1 measures only for 5,939 or 5,945 individuals?

Hi Lillie!

Unfortunately, the invitations to the tests in wave 1 had to be sent out very early. This was unavoidable due to the planning of rooms and facilities in which the tests could take place. This might have contributed to such lower numbers of participants.

For more information, the field report may be of help but it’s only available in German:

Kind regards

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